T4 Angular Template Cache

in Angular T4

There’s a few ways to handle you’re angular directives and they all suck for different reasons.

Store them inline in your directives

The advantage to this method is you don’t have to make a separate web request, and it’s the simplest way to approach templates. This is where I started putting my templates, and I continue to put some templates here if they are very small and more important, simple.

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XPath to Select Node Based on Child Node's Attribute

in XPath

Thankfully I don’t use XPath frequently, but every time I do I end up having to google something. Today was no different except that my googling turned up nothing on my problem.

I needed to select a node based on the attribute of one of it’s child nodes. Simple right?

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Prematurely Optimizing My Blog

in Random

This blog isn’t what you’d call ‘high traffic’. My big problem wasn’t load, it was keeping the site ‘warm’, so each user didn’t have to wait for WordPress to spin up and before serving the first page. Of course once I started looking at performance I went fully down the rabbit hole

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Blog Engines Compared

in Random

I loved WordPress in so many ways. There were hundreds of styles to choose from, a huge library of plugins, analytics, and performance problems. I’m not saying that WordPress can’t be configured to give adequate (or even excellent) performance, but I either didn’t have the knowledge or the money to do so.

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My First NoSQL Table

in NoSql

I come from a relational database background. Specifically I’ve been using Microsoft SQL for 18 years. At this point data modeling for a relational database is second nature.  Data modeling in NoSQL on the other hand has been somewhat mysterious to me. I’ve read up on some of the strategies for where to break NoSQL data into separate tables, but have had little real world experience.

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