Burned by Ternary Operators

in C#

First let me say that I’m not a fan of ternary operators.  I try to avoid them because I feel that an explicit if/else is much more readable.  I do use them on occasion and this seemed like the perfect place for them.

I ran into a interesting problem while trying to get a Linq where clause to work with ternary operators. 

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I'm Back

in Random

After a long hiatus I'm going to start blogging again.

"Where have you been?" you might ask.  Well, I've had a few big changes in my life this past year.  

First, I took a new job at Winxnet, a software consulting and IT management company based in Portland, Maine.  It's been a big switch.

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New Keyboard Layout Progress Update

in Productivity

Back in June I decided to change my keyboard layout with the hopes of increasing my typing speed. I have touch typed for 20 years on a QWERTY keyboard and was getting about 54 words per minute. First I tries Dvorak layout, but had a tough time even learning the keyboard never mind typing with any speed. Then I switched to the Colemak layout which I was able to get some speed on very quickly.

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Career Goals

in Random

I’ve had a few people ask me over the last few weeks what my long term career goals are. The first time someone asked me, it caught me a little off guard. It’s not a question I get asked a lot, and it’s not something I’ve really given any thought to in the last few years. My answer was that I didn’t have any career goals, that I was happy doing what I was doing.

####So, do I really not have any career goals?

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